Coffee Shop Near Me – Synergy Cafe

One of my favorite things to do is to talk about ways to automate and delegate tasks to create more free time for casual conversation.

My casual conversation usually revolves around the topic of digital marketing and making money online.

I am an introvert by nature, so I don’t make friends easily, and do not do real well at networking events and large socials.

I do, however, enjoy one on one conversation at coffee shops, exploring ideas.

The covid thingy has increased the online meeting, so I’ve decided to embrace this.

I have started my own digital coffee cafe as a place to meet with others that have my common interests.

I call it “MySynergyCafe” and it is done via video chat. The software I’m using is called StreamYard, and it can be done as a private conversation, or if desired it can be broadcast onto multiple platforms at the same time. So this works well for collaborative marketing ventures as well.

Want to join me for a digital cup of coffee or tea?



IDEA: Money Making T-shirt

I was thinking of getting a T-shirt printed with a QR code printed on it that points to my website. Then I will just go walk around the Minnesota State Fair. (perhaps the largest state fair in the United States.)

Then I elaborated on the idea, and thought about creating a T-shirt Company that makes “income producing apparel” that anyone can wear, and then earn a income from the sales, the T-shirt generates.

They only need to purchase the T-shirt, and then activate the shirt on my website.

My mind never stops with these ideas.

I should get on that Shark Tank TV Show.

Do you want to partner with me on this idea?

This is the Best Keyword Research Tool that I am using.

What is the best keyword research tool for Affiliate Marketers?

This is a hard question to answer, because there are a plethora of keyword research tools on the Internet.

The one I use most often, is called Jaaxy, and it is included with my Wealthy Affiliate membership.

GoTo Jaaxy

There is the Google keyword planner, and platforms like aHrefs that you can use for keyword research.

But because I have a membership to Wealthy Affiliate, I can use the keyword tool that is included in my membership.

Would you like to join My Wealthy Affiliate Team and build a Passive, Recurring and Scalable side, hustle, income?

Join me, it’s FREE!


Google Money and Find Your Fortune

Google is a household name, recognized by people all over the planet.

Do you know why Google is so successful? I will give you my opinion and let’s see if you agree.

First off, Google has one primary purpose, and that is to “search” the Internet.

Secondly, the Google homepage has essentially one primary call to action, and that is the search box.

When people are searching for something on the Internet, they all know they can go to google and “Google it” to find what they’re looking for.

Then, below the surface past the homepage, there are a plethora of tools and resources that you can use with Google for free, such as Google docs, etc.

Google is King, and will be for a while.

Make Money using Weather

How to Make Money using Weather applications and IFTTT.

It was once said that the only constant is change. The weather is always changing.

I have been taking advantage of the weather changing with a free platform called “if this than that” (IFTTT)

Here is what I am doing.

The way this software works, is you can program it, so that if (if this) one thing happens, then (then that) something else happens.

I have one of mine set up to Weather Underground.

It is set, so that when it is cloudy, it will “automagically” send a tweet out for me.

Or when the clouds go away, and the sun comes out, it will do a post on Facebook.

Or if it starts to rain, it will do a post on LinkedIn.

Or, if it snows, it will do whatever I program it to do.

The Internet is dynamic and always changing. If you can set up processes that are triggered from other processes on the Internet, you can essentially sit back and let the Internet do the work for you.

Here are some more tools for your viewing pleasure.

Go Here

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I earn money from the links that are on this website and other places of the Internet. These are my affiliate links, and when you make a purchase, I earn a commission. Thank you for your support.

Aweber Magic Links Feature

The Aweber Magic Links Feature is MAGICAL

Easily share articles, product pages, and videos in your emails. Want more design options? Paste the link into the feed element. No need to fuss with uploading images.

Create beautiful emails in half the time with AWeber’s new Magic Links

GET Your Aweber AccountHERE

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: There are link on this website and online that are probably my “affiliate” links and I will earn a commission if you make a purchase. This is how I earn money online. (and you can too, when you join My Wealthy Affiliate Team. Thank you for your support.

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ChatGPT is Artificial Intelligence

Have you heard? ChatGPT is Artificial Intelligence and is going to take over the idea of expertise?

We already have 100s of 1000s of “fake gurus” and self proclaimed experts (coaches) tell us how to be successful. Now we all have access to a software that will create content for these wannabes.

This is the next level of misinformation and disinformation and fake news.

What are your thoughts on this thing called CHAT GPT and Artificial Intelligence?

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I’m Tired! Maybe I need the type of energy thorium can provide.

The past couple of years have exhausted me.

The covid stuff, the political division. The very strange thinking styles of the new generation. Maybe I need a new type of energy thorium can provide.

I’ve spent most of my life in the business of Entertainment and Events, and it have been an uphill climb recently. I’m ready for a change. A reset.

The Affiliate Marketing Model is the new occupation.

Money will continue to be a measurement of energy exchange.

There will still be products and services, and there will still be prospects that have a need or desire for those products and services.

Would you like to JOIN My Wealthy Affiliate Team and build a few revenue streams that are passive, recurring and scalable?

Let’s Connect!

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I need to let you know that the links on this website and around the Internet that I promote are probably affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you make a purchase of that product or service. Is how I earn money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.


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This is the Easiest Way to Make Money Online

The easiest way to make money is to get a job. But that is not my preference.

Trading time for money is limited. There are only 24 hours in a day and an employer has a limit on the amount that can pay you or are willing to pay you. working for an hourly wage will burn you out.

As an Affiliate Marketer there are no limits.

You can scale up your income to $10,000 per month, recurring.
(This is my goal right now.) I’m building My Wealthy Affiliate Team right now.

As an Affiliate Marketer, you can promote almost anything and earn commissions from the sales.

In my opinion, the best product or service to promote is one that pays recurring commissions.

I’m promoting business software right now. I’m also promoting the Wealthy Affiliate platform because almost everything you need to start earning money online is right there in the platform. You can test drive it for free too! >>> Go Here <<<

Another product that I am promoting is called MailBox Power. This platform (software) allows the user to send postcards, greeting cards and personalized gifts via the United State Postal Service. I call this my Magic Marketing Tool because it works. I can send UNLIMITED 4×6 postcards for only .44 cents each. There is also a list builder inside. I can purchase Leads. >>> Go Here <<<

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I need to let you know that the links on this website are probably affiliate links and if you make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This is how I make money on the internet. Thank you for your support.

If you have ANY questions, please reach out and contact me and I will help if I can.

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